1. rwikk113.03.2025 at 10:15 AMот

[unnamed esp] приватный чит для игры pubg

Discussion in 'Читы для PUBG/Lite/Mobile' started by Softixcheats, 31.10.2023.

  1. Softixcheats


    4 +/-
    Системные требования:
    Поддерживаемые ОС:: Windows 10, сборка 19041+ / Windows 11
    Поддерживаемый режим игры :: Полноэкранный \ Окно без рамки \ Окно с рамкой
    Поддерживаемые процессоры :: Только Intel [AMD НЕ ПОДДЕРЖИВАЕТСЯ]
    Дополнительные требования :: Для работы требуется флэш-накопитель USB

    Boxes - classic boxes (squares). Displaying only the corners from the box.
    Visible - if this feature is enabled, then the enemies behind the obstacle and in front of you will be displayed in different colors.
    Skeleton - drawing skeletons of enemy characters
    Distance - displays the distance to the player on the screen in meters.
    Weapons - shows which weapon is in the hands of a particular opponent at the moment.
    Health - allows you to see how much hp (health) opponents have.
    Health Text & HealthBar - the mode of displaying hp of enemies, a strip or text.
    Vehicles - rendering of vehicles on the screen and the distance to it.
    AirDrop - shows the airdrop, you can configure the display of the distance to it.
    DeathBox - Displaying boxes of killed players
    Spectator Count - displays the audience behind you during the match.
    Battle Mode - allows you to disable information interfering with ESP during a shootout with one click
    ESP has a full color customization, you can choose the desired color for each function.
    One of the most pleasant bonuses is the full Stream Proof - this means that if this function is enabled in the menu, no one will see the cheat in the screenshots / video / demo or even the stream and the anti-cheat game itself, respectively, too!

    Online payment | Онлайн оплата :
    1 День - 139 Рублей
    7 Дней - 427 Рублей
    30 Дней - 1280 Рублей

    Магазин - https://softixcheats.com/
    Наш Telegram: https://t.me/softix_news
    PS: Функционал может изменятся по мере обновление чита.