[Release: 05.12.13 | Vac: Undetected | CSGO - Version: Steam] Функции: <-TRIGGERBOT-> -> NoSpread -> HeadOnly -> Prediction -> TriggerKey <- ESP -> -> Box -> Health -> Legit <-MISCS-> -> Bhop -> FPS -> Clock -> Hitmarker Обьяснение каждой характеристики: Спойлер -Usefull Notes- <- Keys -> -> Bhop = ALT_KEY -> MK_1 = MouseKey_1 -> MK_2 = MouseKey_2 -> MK_4 = MouseKey_4 -> SHIFT = SHIFT -> To Exit the Hack close csgo! <-TRIGGERBOT-> -> TriggerKey|OFF| = Trigger will shoot when ever he can -> TriggerKey|KEY| = Trigger will shoot when the KEY is pressed and he can shoot -> NoSpread = Trigger will shoot when the Spread hits the Enemey -> HeadOnly = Trigger will shoot at Head -> Prediction = MovementPrediciton <-ESP-> -> Box = Draw Box arround the Entity -> Health = Draw Health Bar -> Legit = Show the ESP only when the Entity is hearable! <-MISCS-> -> Bhop = uses the ALT_KEY to bhop -> google.com is your friend if you don't know what it is -> FPS = displays the FPS from the Overlay -> Clock = displays the current time -> Hitmarker = displays an X when you hit a shoot <-HIDE MENU-> -> press "END" it will hide you Menu - nvm Запуск чита: Спойлер 1. -First usage- ->Start MD5_Changer,follow the programm comments ->When the MD5_Changer has finished it will show "Done!..press any key" ->Rename [CSGO]Y3t1y3t's Trigger !!! 2. -Check if Aero is enabled- -> GoTo "http://www.wikihow.com/Turn-on-Aero-in-Windows-Vista" 3. -First time in the menu- -> Start "your own named Trigger" -> Start CS:GO with the follwing commands -noborder -windowed ||Check the Thread for more Information -> The Menu will pop-up when the game has started -> By Pressing the Arrow-Keys you can navigate up|down and set certain values (right and left). -> To go into a Submenu press "END" -> After setting all the values you want leave the menu with "INSERT" -> To pop-up the menu press "INSERT" NoBorder Оконный -> Профиль Библиотека -> клик правой кнопкой мыши на Counter Strike Global Offensive -> Свойства -> (вкладка Общие) Установить параметры запуска -> --noborder -windowed