1. Molen13.03.2025 в 04:22от
  2. D1zo13.03.2025 в 03:06от

Sell Cvv Us, Uk, Ca, Au, Eu Fresh 100% , Westion Union Transfers

Тема в разделе "Игровые платформы", создана пользователем goodservices, 21.01.2015.

Статус темы:
  1. goodservices


    -2 +/-
    ********** Welcome All Customers Around The World Come With My Services **********

    + I'm Serious Hacker and have some tools want to sell all buyer
    + Come with us and enjoy the best products to make money
    + We are best seller and always sell fresh CVV : Normal,Bin,Dob,Ssn,Fullz
    + We have store tools and software make money online for sale (NEW AND BEST)

    <><><> Contact us soon :

    <><><> Y!M :: silver_honest01

    <><><> My ICQ :: 694146740

    <><><> GMAIL :: earnmoneyonline52@gmail.com

    <><><> My SKYPE :: storetoolshere

    + Visit our store for more details and verify my business:




    ============= WESTERN UNION TRANSFERS / SOFTWARE BUG 2015 : =============

    You need money for your work?
    You need money to take care of the family?
    You need money to cure ? Pay education expenses? Or simply you just need money to spend...

    Contact us if you need money to have a better life ...!

    * Price for code MTCN Western Union Transfer

    fee $200 for (MTCN $2000 vs Sender's details)
    fee $300 for (MTCN $3000 vs Sender's details)
    fee $500 for (MTCN $6000 vs Sender's details)
    fee $700 for (MTCN $9000 vs Sender's details)
    fee $900 for (MTCN $15000 vs Sender's details)

    . You make payment and give your WU details (First name, Last name, Address City, Country)
    . If I check you have sent money I will make transfers for you immediately
    . Transfers completed in 20 mins you will get code MTCN + Sender's details to pick up, very easy cash money

    - Please don’t ask me about transfer with small amount. all must know transfer very hard so if you want let’s pay for me with minimum
    - You can pick up at any Western Union office in 48 hours. I hope all must read clear before contact me .. OK??

    ___________ Selling the Software Western Union Bug 2015 + Activation Code :

    price $500 for 1 Software BUG Western Union (Activities in 1 year)

    - You payment full for me, then I will activate the software + code for you to use in 1 year
    - And it is accompanied by a user manual for software support
    - If you used the expiry of the software, you can meet us to extend
    - I willing to replace other software or even a refund if there is any problem with the software


    I'm looking for a good customer to buy cvv everyday and long-term
    If you buy in bulk, I will discount and bonus
    I have sold to many customers worldwide and has created reputation for them

    * List Fresh Credit Card :

    USA (visa or master) $6 per 1 ( have bulk now )
    USA (amex or disco) $9 per 1
    USA (fullz info) $30 per 1

    UK (visa or master) $15 per 1
    UK (amex or disco) $20 per 1
    UK (fullz info) $35 per 1

    CA (random) $12 per 1
    CA (fullz info) $35 per 1

    AU (random) $15 per 1
    AU (fullz info) $35 per 1

    EU (random) $20 per 1
    EU (fullz info) $40 per 1

    Italy $20 per 1 - (fullz info : $40)
    Spain $20 per 1 - (fullz info : $40)
    Denmark $20 per 1 - (fullz info : $40)
    Sweden $20 per 1 - (fullz info : $40)
    France $20 per 1 - (fullz info : $40)
    Germany $20 per 1 - (fullz info : $40)
    Ireland $20 per 1 - (fullz info : $40)
    Mexico $15 per 1 - (fullz info : $35)
    Asia $15 per 1 - (fullz info : $35)

    And many countries orther...
    Cvv will be sent to you after receiving payment
    Orders will be sent via Email or when you want
    Contact us to create orders

    ____________ SELLING CARD DUMPS - TRACK 1/2 WITH PIN ____________

    __ Card Dumps from USA : (101) (201)
    Card Dumps + Pin,Track 1/2 (USA) $100 /1 piece

    __ Card Dumps from UK : (101) (201)
    Card Dumps + Pin,Track 1/2 (UK) $120 /1 piece

    __ Card Dumps from CA : (101) (201)
    Card Dumps + Pin,Track 1/2 (CA) $120 /1 piece

    __ Card Dumps from AU & EU : (101) (201)
    Card Dumps + Pin,Track 1/2 (Au & Eu) $140 /1 piece

    . Types Card Dumps : Visa/Master/Amex/Discoveri Gold/Master Standart/Platinum/Business Card/Debit Card.
    . Countries Card : Usa, Uk, Ca, Au, Eu, Asia ...
    . Contact us to create orders


    ____________ SELLING BANK LOGIN / PAYPAL ACCOUNT ____________

    (Hsbc, Barclays, Welsfargo, Boa, Chase, Credit union, Halifax...and many BANK other)

    Account with balance 3000 = $300
    Account with balance 5000 = $400
    Account with balance 9000 = $600
    Account with balance 15000 = $1000
    . Account Paypal Verify : Email Address Paypal + Password
    . Account Bank Login : Username + Password Number
    . Have all details for login and I can transfer balance to your account if you want

    (Fees Transfer Depend On Amount You Want To Transfer)
    We am doing just Transfer and i will use my second account you dont need to get worry for your account ...
    Because i will use my method for make clear payment so no dispute no charge back.
    After Transfer some banks take time and some banks not take time and you will get instant your amount.

    ____________ SELLING GIFT CARD ____________

    iTunes code/gift : 40%
    Amazon, Walmart, Apple, BestBuy, Target : 25% > 35%
    Nordstrom, Saks, Blooming, Macys, Sephora : 20% > 25%
    Starbucks : 15% > 20% (Have Bulk For Now)

    ____________ MY BUSINESS REGULATIONS : _________________________

    * Don't ask for example, test free or beg here. Let bought for test . OK
    * All My Tools are checked before sell. Not happy = change
    * I only deal with customers really trust my services. Not Trust = No Deal
    * Payment methods : Western Union (WU), Perfect Money (PM), Web Money (WMZ) , Bitcoin ( BTC )
    * I'm looking for friendly buyer and long-term business. Make money + happy business together
    * Hopefully I can find a good customer to do business together long term
    * You will feel happy, confident and safe to work with me, it definitely

    . I understand what u need and what u expect
    . So i'll sell the best tools to ensure the satisfaction of all customers
    . Customer satisfaction is my pleasure. you never try you will never know

    <><><><><><> REPEAT AGAIN <><><><><><>

    ( I need real customers buyer here, add me if you are sure trust my services, I do not want to waste time for both, I'm will deal well with customers really trust my business )

    Contact us for business :

    <><><> Y!M :: silver_honest01

    <><><> My ICQ :: 694146740

    <><><> GMAIL :: earnmoneyonline52@gmail.com

    <><><> My SKYPE :: storetoolshere

    + Visit our store for more details and verify my business:




    -------- Thanks for read my post and hope to hear from you soon --------
  2. reallybusinessg


    0 +/-
    Hello EveryBody

    Sell Cvv Good And Fresh All Country , WU Transfer , Dumps , Track 1&2 , Paypal , Bank Login ...
    Welcome to the world of hacker !!!

    My Address :

    Yahoo : really.businessgood
    Gmail : really.businessgood@gmail.com
    ICQ : 692423048
    Skype : really.businessgood

    - Price CVV :

    ==> Us:
    (vbv) = 10$
    (visa,master) = 5$
    (amex,discover) = 7$
    (bin) = 10$
    (dob) = 15$
    (fullz) = 35$

    ===> UK:
    (vbv) = 30$
    (visa,master) = 25$
    (amex,discover) = 30$
    (bin) = 30$
    (dob) = 30$
    (fullz) = 40$

    ===> CA:
    (visa,master) = 25$
    (amex,discover) = 25$
    (bin) = 30$
    (dob) = 30$
    (fullz) = 45$

    ===> AU:
    (visa,master) = 25$
    (amex,discover) = 25$
    (bin) = 30$
    (dob) = 30$
    (fullz) = 50$

    ===> All country:

    -Au = 25$ / 1
    - Ca = 25$ / 1
    - Eu = 30$ / 1
    - Italy = 30$ / 1
    - Spain = 30$ / 1
    - Denmark = 30$ / 1
    - Sweden = 30$ / 1
    - France = 30$ / 1
    - Germany = 30$ / 1
    - Ireland = 30$ / 1
    - New zeland = 30$ / 1
    - Switherland = 30$ / 1
    - Slovakia = 30$ / 1
    - Netherlands = 30$ / 1
    - Mexico = 30$ / 1
    - Middle East = 30$ / 1
    - Asia = 30$ / 1

    Demo cvv :


    |VISA|4320161005181412|197|12|2013|24523|Wendy Morris|Approval
    Code: 01906G; Transaction ID: 168022234|Mr.|Wendy|Morris|5312 E
    Mercer Lane|Spokane|99217|WA|US|509 8446-6114|


    |SPAIN|4599887904329017|0613|412|Allan Majotra|Calle Jose Bergamin
    38, 7D|madrid|Madrid|28030|+34639531837|allan.majotra@ gmail.com


    738|0235240732|30 rue Marie Talbot | Sainte-Adresse, 76310 |


    |ITALYA|4565420079693239|0115|159|SILVIA CARLETTO| VIA SIGNORI, 2
    | S. CRISTINA DI QUINTO |TV| 31055|0422471003|elpam...@libero.it


    13|Salten|Them|Midtjylland|Denmark|8653|sda@mail.d k


    |BRAZIL|5256640301990043|02|2014|415|Ivan Carlos|Buzzi|Rua Campo
    Alegre,454|Ilha da Figueira|Jaragua do Sul|SC |89258-




    Schuller|bijo...@hotmail.com|613051616|Cyclaamstra at 7|Made|4921


    27574|4835880010098430|04|2013|492|Eleanor Bulatao|5533 Lawrence
    Ave E|Toronto|ON|CA|M1C5K4|enb5122@yahoo.com|


    |VISA|4539793783086269|927|12|2014|CAROLYN WALKER|4 CROMWELL
    ROAD|DEVIZES|SN103EJ|United Kingdom|447917176742|UNCHECK| ==>
    4539793783086269 | 12 | 2014 | 927

    - Price WU Transfer :

    -100$ for 1000$
    -200$ for 2000$
    -300$ for 3000$
    -500$ for 5000$
    -900$ for 10000$

    - Price Paypal :

    -100$ for 1500$
    -200$ for 4000$
    -500$ for 10000$

    - Price Dumps or Track 1/2 :

    Us = 50$ for one
    Uk = 70$ for one
    Eu = 70$ for one
    Ca = 60$ for one
    Au = 80$ for one

    Cvv US Minimum Am Sell 5 Cvv Over and All Cvv Country Different Am Sell Minimum 2 Cvv Over Am Not Sell One

    My Rules Business :
    -Not Test , Not Proof Trust And Work , Payment First .
    My Payment :
    - WMZ , PM ( Perfect Money ) , BTC ( Bitcoin ) .
    - WU ( Western Union ) ... Minimum Am Accept WU is 100$

    My Address :

    Yahoo : really.businessgood
    Gmail : really.businessgood@gmail.com
    ICQ : 692423048
    Skype : really.businessgood

    Contact Me If Need Good Seller Or Good Hacker . Thanks For Read My Post
  3. prestigeseller


    0 +/-

    - ICQ: 675543166 ( Tools Value )

    - Gmail: value.tools106@gmail.com

    Hello all clients !
    - Im hacker, good seller, best tools, sell online 24h.
    - I want introduce to you my services and sell fresh cvv (visa/master,amex,dis,bin,dob,fullz..) all country, Dumps track 1&2, Account paypal,SMTP, RDP, VPS, Mailers, do WU transfer and Software Bug Transfer Western Union.
    - I sell cvv Fresh - Fast and Good price.
    - And I need good buyer for business long-term.
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    **Sell Credit Card (CVV) Online good payment for Shopping online**
    Format is:
    |Card Number|lol. Date|CVV/CVV2|First Name|Last Name|Street|City|State|Zip Code|Country|Phone|Type Of Card|Bank Name|
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    ===> List Price for fresh Credit Card (CC,CCV,CVV)
    - US (visa/master) = 10$ per 1
    - US (Amex,Dis) = 12$ per 1
    - US Bin = 15$, US Dob = 15$
    - US fullz info = 40$ per 1
    - UK (visa/master) = 20$ per 1
    - UK (Amex,Dis) = 25$ per 1
    - UK Bin = 30$, UK Dob = 30$
    - UK fullz info = 50$ per 1
    - CA (visa/master) = 20$ per 1
    - CA (Amex,Dis) = 25$ per 1
    - CA Bin = 25$, CA Dob = 25$
    - CA fullz info = 45$ per 1
    - AU (visa/master) = 25$
    - AU (Amex,Dis) = 30$ per 1
    - AU Bin = 30$, AU Dob = 35$
    - AU fullz info = 50$ per 1
    - EU (Visa,Master) = 30$ per 1
    - EU (Amex,Dis) = 35$ per 1
    - EU Bin = 35$, AU Dob = 40$
    - EU fullz info = 60$ per 1

    Others Country:
    - Italy = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
    - Spain = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
    - Denmark = 25$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
    - Sweden = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
    - France = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
    - Germany = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
    - Ireland = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
    - Mexico = 15$ per 1 (fullz info = 30$)
    - Asia = 15$ per 1 (fullz info = 30$)
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    * SPECIAL CARD (With DOB + Bin, Full Info) good bin, high balance:
    30 CC Dob + Bin US = 450$
    30 CC Dob + Bin UK = 500$
    20 CC Dob + Bin CA = 500$
    20 CC Dob + Bin AU = 500$
    20 CC Dob + Bin EU = 600$

    * SSN / DOB:
    150$ - 200$ = 400 info SSN DOB (Name + Adresss + City + State + Fone + SSN + DOB):
    |178516|301-52-7518|08/29/1950|Edwin|R|White|B|M|5|11|170|BLK|RU186513|2000|OH|R|937-275-8536|2000 Benson Dr|Dayton|OH|45406|
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    ===> Price for Dumps:
    ** Usa :101
    - Visa Classic, MasterCard Standart =45$
    - Visa Gold|Platinum|Business, MasterCard Gold|Platinum = 50$
    - American Express = $50 (Without SID)
    - Discover = $50

    ** Canada: 101 201
    - Visa Classic, MasterCard Standart = 45$
    - Visa Gold|Platinum|Business, MasterCard Gold|Platinum = 50$

    ** EU, UK: 101 201
    - Classic|Standart = 60$
    - Gold|Platinum = 70$
    - Business|Signature|Purchase|Corporate|World = 100$

    ** ASIA/AUSTRALIA/Exotic: 101 201 121
    - MasterCard| Visa Classic = $50
    - Visa Gold|Platinum|Corporate|Signature|Business = $70

    ** Other countries: 101 201
    - MasterCard| Visa Classic = 50$
    - Visa Gold|Platinum|Corporate|Signature|Business = 70$

    ===> Price for Dumps and Track 1 & 2(With/without Pin):
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    - Dumps,Tracks 1&2 US = 100$/1, No Pin 50$
    - Dumps,Tracks 1&2 UK = 110$/1, No Pin 60$
    - Dumps,Tracks 1&2 EU = 120$/1, No Pin 80$
    - Dumps,Tracks 1&2 AU = 120$/1, No Pin 80$
    - Dumps,Tracks 1&2 CA = 120$/1, No Pin 80$
    Track 1: B4867967032437166^AVALLONE/SONJA^13011010000000472000000
    Track 2: 4867967032437166=13011010000047200000|United States|JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.|Visa|Platinum|101|Tr1+Tr2|
    Pin code: 2269
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    Contact Me Support:

    - ICQ: 675543166 ( Tools Value )

    - Gmail: value.tools106@gmail.com

    ===> Western Union transfer (WU Transfer) ($/£/€)
    (EU,UK,Asia,Canada,US,France,Germany,Italy,Nigeria,.. African)
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    $300 for MTCN $3000 (get MTCN vs Sender's details)
    $500 for MTCN $6000 (get MTCN vs Sender's details)
    $700 for MTCN $9000 (get MTCN vs Sender's details)
    $900 for MTCN $15000 (get MTCN vs Sender's details)

    Give me your western union receive info and payment me fee. Then i will do transfer for you, After about 30 mins you'll have MTCN and sender's name.
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    * Selling Email and pass - Email leads:
    1000 Email and pass of (US,UK,CA,EU,AU,..) and many other countries = 50$
    5000 (US,UK,AU), World(Mixed), Jobseeker, AOL email leads = 50$
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    (HSBC, Barclays, Welsfargo, BOA, Chase, Credit union, Halifax,.. and many Bank other)
    Bank Login : Username + Password Number
    Bank transfer: Holder Name Use Bank + Number Account Bank + Bank Name + Address Full.
    Have all details for login and i can transfer balance to your account if you want.
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    - Account balance:
    **US: (Bank of America,Chase,Wells Fargo...)
    . Balance 3000$ = 300$
    . Balance 6000$ = 500$
    . Balance 8000$ = 600$
    . Balance 12000$ = 800$
    . Balance 15000$ = 1000$
    . Balance 20000$ = 1200$

    **UK: (LLOYDS TSB,BARCLAYS,Standard Chartered,HSBC...)
    . Balance 3000 GBP = 400$
    . Balance 6000 GBP = 600$
    . Balance 10000 GBP = 800$
    . Balance 12000 GBP = 900$
    . Balance 16000 GBP = 1000$
    . Balance 20000 GBP = 1500$
    (Other fees transfer depend on amount you want)
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    - PayPal:
    + Sell Visa Debit US : 120$
    + Paypal with pass email = 60$/paypal
    + Paypal don't have pass email = 50$/Paypal
    + Paypal Veritified with balance and price (Email address + password) full infomation:
    100$ = 1 Account PP 2000$
    200$ = 1 Account PP 4500$
    300$ = 1 Account PP 8500$
    500$ = 1 Account PP 13000$

    ===> Price of ATM Card ($/£/€):
    ATM card 2000$ = 100$
    ATM card 5000$ = 200$

    ATM card 2000€ = 150$
    ATM card 5000€ = 250$

    ATM card 2000£ = 150$
    ATM card 5000£ = 300$

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    Contact Me Support:

    - ICQ: 675543166

    - Gmail: value.tools106@gmail.com

    => MY RULES:
    - Customer want test please buy for test and if the cvv is good customer can buy more from me, pls dont ask free test and sample or screenshot with me.
    - Customer buy over 15, I will discount for you.
    - I have a replacement policy for bad cvv. All my cvv are inspected before sale.
    - Cvv will be sent to you after receiving payment. Orders will be sent via e-mail or where you want and warranty for you 24h after you buy.
    - Payment methods PM(Perfect Money), WU(Western Union), BTC(Bitcoin)- minimum orders by WU is 50$.
    Thank you for read !
Статус темы: