bcarfully he is a scammer. https://live.blockcypher.com/ltc/tx/8ec13cea2461cdd196dfd0bf3b0dbd24da50312166bb21760d2495b9c7c50cef/ our txid....
bcarfully he scammer. https://live.blockcypher.com/ltc/tx/8ec13cea2461cdd196dfd0bf3b0dbd24da50312166bb21760d2495b9c7c50cef/ our txid. [ATTACH]...
[ATTACH] becarfully, got scammed for $5 hahaha he's a poor kid....
[ATTACH] he blocked me and delete the chat. becarfully, got scammed for $5 enjoy with the 5$ bro, its only 5$ i think you poor who need water and...
helo, i need accounts level 5-10 with profile filler already ( photo nickname bio and more ) need it for steam boosting service the accounts...
send me telegram message ( only if you accept middle man ) https://t.me/ReloBOT123