1. Molen13.03.2025 в 04:22от
  2. D1zo13.03.2025 в 03:06от

В эти выходные бета Firefall .

Тема в разделе "MMO игры", создана пользователем Averlord, 23.01.2013.

  1. Averlord


    15 +/-
    В эти выходные как я понял начнется отрытый бета тест FireFall в пятницу (25) в 9 часов по Москве и до понедельника (28) до 11 часов дня .
    Сам играл в ЗБТ ну не плохо )

    Скачать тут : http://beta.firefallthegame.com/download

    Hey Everyone!

    We are excited to announce that on the weekend of January 25th, Red 5 Studios™ will be hosting our January Firefall™ Beta Weekend!

    Starting at 10:00am PDT on January 25th and continuing through 11:59pm PDT on January 27th 2013, we will be unlocking the servers and allowing anybody who registers for Firefall access to the beta. This means that anyone who has yet to experience the war torn Earth will now have the chance to defend the Earth against the mysterious Chosen, explore the land of New Eden, and face off against their fellow players in fast-paced PvP.

    Additionally, throughout the weekend, players who take part in our Beta Weekend will unlock an exclusive in-game decal for use on their many Battleframes! To get your exclusive decal, all you have to do is log in during the Beta Weekend. Following the Beta Weekend, you’ll be able to obtain your badge of honor at the New You station in game.

    During our Firefall Beta Weekend, we’re offering players the chance to win themselves a huge Firefall prize package, including a Razer 2013 Deathadder mouse and Firefall swag! For more information, check out www.firefallthegame.com/betaweekends to see how your videos and screenshots of skill shots can win you these awesome prizes!

    Be sure to download the client to pre-load the game. This way, once the Beta Weekend begins, you can log on and jump right in!

    Download here: http://beta.firefallthegame.com/download

    -- Red 5 Tribe

    Кто хочет можете видео посмотреть

    [video=youtube;D25muaxyRrY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D25muaxyRrY