1. kenutary12.03.2025 в 18:13от
  2. DAVINCI12.03.2025 в 17:29от

BF4 Public MultiHack

Тема в разделе "Battlefield", создана пользователем oxotnik007, 16.05.2016.

  1. oxotnik007

    Overseer for YouHack

    876 +/-
    Webmoney: 274520779784
    BF4 Public MultiHack

    Статус: Undetected [15.05.16]
    Дата Релиза: 2016-05-15


    ESP Features:

    ESP Box == Draws a 3D box around enemy players.
    ESP Line == Draws a line from the bottom center of your screen to enemy players.
    ESP Health == Draws a health bar above enemy players.
    ESP Name == Draws each enemy's username above there players.
    ESP Skeleton == Draws a skeleton inside each enemy player's body.
    ESP Distance == Draws a distance meter above enemy players.
    ESP Team == Reveals teammates on the ESP.
    ESP Safe == Hides all players from ESP that are not visible. (Used to appear more legit)

    Aimbot Features:

    Aimbot == Enables the aimbot for soldiers and vehicles.* (Activate with LALT)
    Aim At Vehicles == Allows the aimbot to target vehicles.
    Aim Lock == Select the location the aimbot targets.
    Auto Aim == Makes the aimbot activate with RMOUSE in addition to LALT.
    Auto Fire == When playing as a soldier, your gun will fire when the aimbot obtains a lock.
    *The aimbot does not work while piloting air vehicles.

    Extra Features:

    Crosshair == Draws a round crosshair in the center of your screen.
    HUD == Draws a heads up display with some extra useful info.*
    Bullet Mod == When set to SAFE this removes recoil while ON removes bullet spread as well.
    Fire Rate == Increases your rate of fire to the value set in your XML file.**
    Auto Spot == Spots enemies on screen and on the in game radar.*** (SAFE spots only enemies in sight)
    Engine Chams == Displays the kill cam orange overlay on all enemies on foot.****
    Set Ping == Allows you to set your in game ping displayed in the menu. (This does not affect your real ping)
    Weapon ID Changer == Replaces your killfeed weapon with that of another in your inventory.*****
    1: Hold the weapon to be shown. 2: Turn the Weapon ID Changer on. 3: Switch to the weapon you will fire.
    *This shows a minimap with health and ammo as well as a proximity alert.
    **For more information, refer to the parameters section below.
    ***This will not spot vehicles and will not count as a spot assist.
    ****This is detectable by an in game screenshot performed by PunkBuster or FairFight. Use at your own risk.
    *****This WILL get you banned! Using this feature is DETECTED by FairFight. For TRIAL accounts only.


    Save the following in an XML file on your C:\ drive titled: "techackr.xml"
    Edit the file with your preferred settings.

    [video=youtube;8Z9gvtWUWyc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z9gvtWUWyc

  2. Manhatan


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