1. kenutary12.03.2025 в 20:54от

Radiance - приватный чит на раст I AIM, RADAR, BULIT TP

Тема в разделе "Читы для RUST", создана пользователем tergif, 15.03.2023.

  1. tergif


    0 +/-
    Included spoofer:soon

    Anticheat: easyantycheat

    Supported game modes:Windowed, Fullscreen

    Supported CPU:Intel & AMD

    Supported OC:Windows 10

    Для запуска требуется флешка. Либо использовать виртуальную флешку


    - Toggle
    - Targets (Player/NPC/Attack Heli/Wounded/Sleepers)
    - Target Bone (Randomize/Randomize NoHead/Etc bones)
    - Target Snapline (Customizable Color)
    - Select Target (Bind Hotkey)
    - Draw Fov (Customizable Color)
    - Aim Fov (0-1000)

    - PSilent (Always/Bind Hotkey)
    - PSilent Melee Throw
    - PSilent Visible Only
    - PSilent Radius Hitchance (0-100)
    - PSilent Custom Spread (0.0-1.0)

    - Silent Melee (Always/Bind Hotkey)
    - Targets (Resources/Player&NPC)

    - Desync (Bind Hotkey)
    - Autostop
    - Autoshot
    - Powershot
    - Min Bullet Queue
    - Instant Hit
    - Extend On Mountable
    - Customize Max Desync Time (0.0-1.0)

    - Bullet TP
    - Distance (Small/Medium/Large)
    - Desync Bullet TP Visible Check
    - PSilent Bullet TP Visible Check
    - Visible Check Angles (1-15)
    - Extend For Mountable
    - Extend For Heli
    - Closest Bone (All/NoHead)

    - Recoil (0.0-1.0)
    - Spread (0.0-1.0)
    - Disable Aim Sway
    - Automatic
    - Change Effect Scale Bullet (0-10)
    - Silent Reload
    - Bullet Pierce
    - Shoot Through Friends
    - Instant Eoka
    - Instant Charge Compound Bow
    - Attack On Mountable
    - Show Rocket Hitpoint
    - Fake Shots (Bind Hotkey)
    - Always CanAttack

    - Toggle
    - Players (Customizable Color)
    - NPC (Customizable Color)
    - Sleepers (Customizable Color)
    - Weapon (Customizable Color)
    - 2D Box (Customizable Color)
    - Fill Box (Customizable Color)
    - Enemies (Customizable Color)
    - Friends (Customizable Color)
    - Wounded (Customizable Color)
    - Mountable Color
    - Names
    - Player Team (Customizable Color)
    - Distance
    - HealthBar
    - Show Player Belt (Customizable Screen Position)
    - Show Player Wear (Customizable Screen Position)
    - Icons Belt/Wear Scale (0.1-10.0)
    - Chams (Filled/XRay/Visible Only (Filled/Xray))
    - Chams Visible/Unvisible Color
    - Always Visible

    World Esp
    - Radar
    - Draw Directions
    - Radius (10-400)
    - Scale (0.1-10)
    - Entity Size (1-10)
    - Attack Heli (Customizable Color)
    - Bradley APC (Customizable Color)
    - World Items (Player Corpse/Drop Items/Auto Turrets/etc...) (Customizable Color)
    - Distance
    - Max Distance World(0-5000)
    - Bright Night and Caves
    - Hand Chams (Removed)
    - Arms
    - Type (Filled/Wireframe)
    - Color
    - Transparent (0.0-1.0)
    - Weapon
    - Type (Filled/Wireframe)
    - Color
    - Transparent (0.0-1.0)
    The World ESP will be actively updated

    - Omnisprint
    - Ignore AI Collision
    - Ignore Tree Collision
    - Walk on Water
    - No Fall Damage
    - Spider Man
    - Infinity Jump
    - Custom Debugcamera (Bind Hotkey)
    - Save Walk Direction And Speed
    - Zoom (Bind Hotkey)
    - Scale (0.05-1.0) (Scale depends game fov)
    - Custom Game Fov
    - Amount (0-180)
    - Custom Flyhack (Bind Hotkey)
    - Sprint Speeding (0.0-10.0)
    - Directional Camera (Bind Hotkey)
    - Anti Flyhack Kick
    - Anti Barrier Kick
    - Flyhack Indicators (Customizable Screen Position)
    - Vertical Movement (Customizable Color)
    - Horizontal Movement (Customizable Color)
    - Interactive Debug (Bind Hotkey)
    - FastLoot
    - Always Hotspot
    - Auto Collectible Pickup
    - Auto Dropped Items Pickup
    - Pickup Distance(0.0-3.0)
    - OnLadder (SilentWalk) (Bind Hotkey)
    - Third Person (Bind Hotkey)
    - Third Person From Target (Bind Hotkey)
    - Distance Third Person (1.0-25.0m)
    - Draw Colliders (Bind Hotkey)
    - Remove Layers (Bind Hotkey)
    - Layers (Water/Default/World/Construction/etc...)
    - Bunny Hop
    - Anti-aim
    - Head Away Back From Target
    - Unwirebase (In Building Privilege)

    - PlayerList (SteamID/Name/Relation)
    - Copy SteamID
    - Set Relation Group(Neutral/Friend/Enemy)
    - Clear Relations Groups On Reconnect
    - Disable Game Input In Menu
    - Esp Text Size (5-30)
    - Block Server Commands
    - Soon configs

    7 day - 50$
    30 day - 100$
    Payment: Bitcoin, Litecoin

    Оплата киви
    7 day - 55$
    30 day - 105$

    contacts: https://t.me/fotamorgan