Вот что написал Hello, Today after playing TF2 popped up a window with the information that stated that trading has been banned on my account due to violation of the Steam rules. It also recommended to contact Steam Support to get more information. I really love trading and I don't want to lose this privilege. I'm providing a couple WebMoney receipts to prove that I own this account. Хватит?
ну я вот однажды выиграл конкурс тут, мне отослали гифт, я активировал его себе. в итоге игру отозвали, и тоже было уведомление типа кт, только ее можно закрыть и там написано что подарок был отозван, в связи с проблемами с платежом.
Все, отправил. Вот финальный текст Спойлер Hello, Today after playing TF2 popped up a window with the information that stated that trading has been banned on my account due to violation of the Steam rules. It also recommended to contact Steam Support to get more information, thats what I'm doing right now. I really love trading and I don't want to lose this privilege. I'm providing a couple WebMoney receipts to prove that I own this account. Hope you will help me solve this problem. Merry Christmas!